Megan's Writing Team - February 17

Write to Megan.

Age: Pre-Teen (13-15)
Requested by: Mother
Location: Connecticut, USA
Issue: Self-Confidence

What’s going on? My daughter, Megan, and I have a healthy relationship around periods, and we always have made the topic funny and fun. To be brief, she has always had period positivity! When she got to high school, she realized that the pads and tampons offered were the most uncomfortable things you could possibly offer to teens, and sometimes they weren't even available. She saw the need for a revamp. Connecticut recently passed legislation that has funds that go directly towards high school and middle school period products. Megan thought it would be wonderful to create a club that advocated for thin/comfortable pads that can be worn with leggings, rather than the couch-sized ones offered. Also for comfortable tampons that don't expand to where they hurt so much. She also wanted to make weekender baggies in the bathrooms for those that needed period products over the weekend but couldn't afford it.

So she created this club by getting over 10 signatures, advertised, made cookies, and told her friends...And not one person showed up to her club. She came home and had a good cry...Not even her friends, who said they'd be there, showed. I told her this wasn't a failure, it's a setback, and she is fighting against a stigma. She can still make these changes without a club. Basically, if she received letters from anonymous women and girls rooting for her mission, I think this would be such a confidence boost. Her friends aren't very supportive overall, but I hope the letters will show there are wonderful women and girls out there that she can't see that do have her back.

What do you love most about this girl? Megan has "wit beyond measure." She's so sharp, if you tried to make fun of her she would throw it back at you in a heartbeat and make you the fool for trying! It's the gift we all wish we had, and would remember the best comeback an hour later. Not Megan, she is ready to go at all times!

She is beautiful, she has a big smile, she's supportive of her friends, is incredibly funny and has great ideas. She communicates so well, she's a favorite to her teachers and parents because she can carry on a comfortable conversation with adults.

Anything else you want to tell us? I hope the letters can be as funny as she is, because periods can be very funny! You can be as corny or as silly as you want, or perhaps you want to be serious and understanding that all of us have that time of the month, and what she is doing to bring comfort to girls is inspiring. Toilet paper is provided at all times in bathrooms because of necessary bodily functions, but periods are also a necessary bodily function and deserves just as much effort.

Write your letter and get it in the mail within one week to The Letter Project at P.O. Box 218, Kingsville, MO 64061. We’ll take it from there! You can place multiple letters in one envelope, as long as each letter/card clearly identifies the letter recipient.

*Please note that The Letter Project does not edit the content of the request to maintain the integrity of the situation. TLP is not responsible for any typos, misspellings, or incorrect phrasing. Should you have a question regarding a request, please email TLP.