FAQs About Letter Requests:
Who can request to receive letters?
Any girl (typically ages 5 to 60) who is going through a tough time. Literally any girl.
Requests can come from an individual themselves or submitted by moms, friends, therapists, mentors, teachers, etc. We do require that you get permission from a parent/guardian before requesting letters for girls 13 and younger.
What is considered a tough time?
We do not limit requests to anything specific. We understand that something might be hard for you and easy for someone else, or vice versa. Our role isn't to dictate what is hard, but instead support you through it.
In the past, we've written letters to women and girls who:
Are experiencing some type of life transition
Are struggling with an eating disorder
Are having trouble making friends
Are feeling lonely or sad
Have been diagnosed with an illness
Are doubting their faith
Need a reminder that she is enough
What is the recipient age range?
5 years old and older!
How long will it take to get the letters?
Please give us six to eight weeks to write you letters. We know we live in an instant world, but we believe in the power of a handwritten letter and know it will be worth the wait.
Can the recipient write back?
Sure! You can include your address in your letter if you’d like. However, please be sure she knows this is not a pen pal service and we cannot guarantee a reply.
What will the recipient receive?
She’ll receive 20 letters of encouragement from women around the world bundled into a nice letter care package given by The Letter Project. This is sent to the requestor along with stickers, trinkets, and TLP materials to share.
What if I'm not a Christian?
At its core, The Letter Project is a Christian-based organization. We respect all belief systems. If you do not want us to mention faith or God in your letters, simply let us know that in your request and our writers will respect that wish.
What if a recipient identifies as non-binary?
We understand that the terms listed on our page are not inclusive to how every individual identifies and shows up in the world. Please be specific if our writers should be mindful, including of preferred pronouns, as they write.
I received a bundle and want to share my experience. How can I say thank you?
We love to hear from our recipients. Click here to provide feedback!
TLP Involvement:
I want to bring TLP to my campus or community. How can I do that?
Beyond hosting Write Nights and garnering additional letter writers for TLP from your campus or community, you can start or join a The Letter Project chapter. Join our national network of chapters invested in spreading TLP. More information is available here!
Do you have an Ambassador program?
We do! We’re revamping our Ambassador program and will relaunch in January 2024.
Are you accepting new Board Members?
We are not - our latest recruitment round ended in October 2022. Our board members are on rotating terms, so keep looking at our website and social media to see when openings are available.
FAQs About Our Writers:
Who is sending the letters?
We are a group of 11,500+ girls and women writing from around the world. The letters you request will ultimately come to you in one “bundle” from The Letter Project in one package.
What is the writer age range?
The writers must be at least 13 years of age. We sometimes host events with young writers, but ask that you please reach out to us to discuss these events.
How often are you required to write?
There is no requirement. If you want to write five letters one week and no letters the next week, that's great! Write when you can. You can write at your own pace in the comfort of your home. We just ask that if you do sign up to write, you get your letter in the mail within one week.
What if I have bad handwriting?
That's OK! We promise. You, no matter what your handwriting looks like, are welcome here. We accept wisdom in all shapes and sizes.
Do you give the writers a template?
We can! We have age appropriate templates to reference in the Writers’ Portal and regularly share some of our favorite, most impactful letters on our social media pages.
Do you review my letter before you send it?
We do a quick skim of each letter to make sure it is appropriate to the request and does not contain anything that the requestor asked not to be included. We encourage requestors to also review the letters before sending to the recipient if it’s a particularly sensitive situation.
How do I address the letter and envelope?
On the envelope, use “The Letter Project, P.O. Box 218, Kingsville, MO 64061.” You can use the same envelope for multiple letters — if it is one letter for one gal, please put “Attn: Name of Recipient” on the envelope.
On the letter itself, be sure to include the recipient’s name!
Do I have to be a Christian or religious in any way to be a writer?
No, our writers are as diverse as our recipients.
Are letters emailed or handwritten? Do you provide stamps?
Letters are handwritten. The writers send them through their local post offices using their own stamps.
What if I’m physically unable to write?
Please type your letters and mail them. We are so glad to have you as a letter writer joining our cause!
How often are letter requests updated on the Writers’ Portal?
We update our Writers’ Portal regularly. New requests are always live by Tuesday but check back as often as you like.
What should I use to write my letters?
Great question! We have writers who use greeting cards, stationery, blank white paper, notebook lined paper, notecards, bookmarks, postcards. “Letters” come in all forms!
Can I get service hours signed?
Yes, absolutely! If you are on our POINT system, your hours are automatically tracked as letters are received at TLP HQ.
You can also earn service hours by hosting a write night (you’ll just track your time for planning/hosting!). Reach out to us if you have other ideas for service hours.
Other Questions:
What is the point of this?
This world can be pretty lonely sometimes. Our goal is to remind women that we are here for each other. We are not alone in it.
What is your goal for 2023?
Great question! Our goal is to reach 450 people with 9,500 individual, handwritten letters. This is an increase of 50 people and 500 letters from 2022.
Learn more about our 2022 impact here.
Can I host a writing event?
Yes, please! We love Write Nights! Learn about them here.
Can I donate?
Absolutely! We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit and are so grateful for donations. Learn more here.
You can donate to our Amazon Wishlist here.