Katherine's Writing Team - January 7

Write to Katherine.

Age: 20-something
Requested by: Coworker
Location: South Dakota, USA
Issue: Mental Health

What’s going on? Katherine struggles with a couple of auto immune diseases that have a big impact on her physical abilities, She gets very weak without any warning, and deals with swelling of her hands feet and ankles regularly which can make walking difficult. She leaves many doctors appointments with no answers which can be very frustrating and mentally challenging as well. She deals with anxiety and depression as well. She recently went through a breakup that was very hard for her. She has grown so much from this and I am so proud of her, but seeing her hit that low was very hard. I think she could still use some encouraging words to brighten her day. 

What do you love most about this girl? Katherine is one of the strongest people I know, I really admire her confidence and dedication to everything she sets her mind to. She is beautiful, she is brave, she is funny and she will do anything for her friends and family. She always has the best ideas (very creative). Her outfits are always so cute! Despite her limitations, she is very adventurous, we recently attended goat yoga together and it was a blast! I am extremely grateful to have her in my life, she is always cracking jokes and trying to make people laugh and I love that about her. From a coworker's standpoint, she is very good at what she does and does not let the small things get her down, she is always thinking of new ideas or ways to do things that I would never have thought of and I enjoy having her by my side each day.

P.S. Katherine has 2 dogs Rayne and Skye that are her world.

Write your letter and get it in the mail within one week to The Letter Project at P.O. Box 218, Kingsville, MO 64061. We’ll take it from there! You can place multiple letters in one envelope, as long as each letter/card clearly identifies the letter recipient.

*Please note that The Letter Project does not edit the content of the request to maintain the integrity of the situation. TLP is not responsible for any typos, misspellings, or incorrect phrasing. Should you have a question regarding a request, please email TLP.